Waldorff, Torben
Artist Share, 2017, CD
Instrument: Guitar
Issue: 24.2
Jazz Ruler Type: Fusion
Performance: 3
Sound: 4
O’s Notes: Holiday on Fire“is another mellow jazz-fusion album from Waldorff. Ingrid Jensen (t) and Maggi Olin (p) open as a duo on “Thyst Intro” before bassist Drew Gress, drummer Johnathan Blake and leader, guitarist Torben Waldorff take the stage on “Thyst”. The mood is blue and diffused coming to life with Torben’s rock and roll solos from time to time. The stellar cast is relegated to mostly supporting roles on these seven original tracks. “Ironic Tonic” and “Belligerent Beauty” are among the best.
Publicist: ArtistShare