Jazz Sabbath

Blacklake, 2022CD
Instrument: Instrumental

Issue: 28.2

Jazz Ruler Type: Pop+Jazz
O's Jazz Ruler

Performance: 3
Performance Chart

Sound: 3
Sound Chart

Score: 73
Score Chart

O’s Notes: Jazz Sabbath is a rock-jazz band on their second release Volume 2, with leader Adam Wakeman (p), Jerry Meehan (b) and Ash Sloan (d) serving as the core musicians along with eleven other artists. You’ll see them billed by their fictional names in the liner notes: Milton Keanes, Jacque T’fono and Juan Také, respectively. As you may expect, they play jazzed up covers of Black Sabbath and other rock tunes. There’s a mild, ragtime feel on “Behind The Wall Of Sleep” and they swing on “Sabbra Cadabra”. We also enjoyed the bubbly “Black Sabbath”.


Publicist: BlackLake