Jensen, Christine & Ingrid

Whirlwind, 2017CD
Instrument: Saxophone

Issue: 23.3

Jazz Ruler Type: Fusion
O's Jazz Ruler

Performance: 4
Performance Chart

Sound: 4
Sound Chart

Score: 63
Score Chart

O’s Notes: Ingrid plays trumpet, percussion and melodica. Christine plays alto & soprano sax. The sisters are joined by guitarist Ben Monder, bassist Fraser Hollis and Jon Wigan (Ingrid’s husband) on drums. Together they embark on a journey of free flowing, soft, jazz-fusion that is open, engaging and gentle. The music was composed primarily by the headliners along with “Echolalia” by Monder and a cover of “Old Time” written by Kenny Wheeler. The music reflects the vast, natural environment of the Vancouver island that the Jensen’s grew up on.“Infinitude captures this boundary-less space and sets the listener in a rather peaceful state.


Publicist: Red Cat Publicity