McBride, Christopher

C. McBride, 2023CD
Instrument: Saxophone

Issue: 29.2

Jazz Ruler Type: Bebop
O's Jazz Ruler

Performance: 4
Performance Chart

Sound: 3
Sound Chart

Score: 81
Score Chart

O’s Notes: Harlem based saxophonist Christopher McBride assembles a fine team of musicians for Ramon. The core is JS Williams (t), Jonathan Edward Thomas (p), Noah Jackson (b), Cedric Easton (d), Corey A Wallace (tb), and Luke Carlos O’Reiley (keyboards) with several guests weighing in. They cook on “Bronx Unchained”, and are steaming on ”Dope”. J Hoard sings on “Your Eyes Can’t Lie”, and Bobby Broom adds blues guitar for “You Put A Smile On My Face”. The mode is fresh, modern jazz that will have broad appeal.


Publicist: Kari-On Productions