Whitaker, Rodney
Origin, 2020, CD
Instrument: Guitar
Issue: 26.2
Jazz Ruler Type: Ballads, Blues
Performance: 4
Sound: 3
Score: 79
O’s Notes: All Too Soon is the second of five releases Whitaker planned to commemorate his Golden Jubilee (2019). He channels the energy of his sextet towards the music of Duke Ellington. This is material that he’s learned, relearned and practiced, especially during his tenure with the Lincoln Center Jazz Orchestra (‘94-‘02). Of course the material is great and the fresh arrangements allow the musicians to impart their own character on solo interpretations. Rodney’s daughter Rochelle Fortin adds rich vocals notably on “Mood Indigo”, “Come Sunday” and “Do Nothing’Till You Hear From Me”. Diego Rivera (sax), Michael Dease (tb), Karriem Riggins (d), Richard Roe (p) and Brian Lynch (t) all play strong roles in a well-coordinated effort.
Publicist: Rock Paper Scissors