Miles, Jason

Ropeadope, 2020CD
Instrument: Piano

Issue: 26.2

Jazz Ruler Type: Fusion
O's Jazz Ruler

Performance: 3
Performance Chart

Sound: 3
Sound Chart

Score: 70
Score Chart

O’s Notes: This is the third release from keyboardist Jason Miles under the Kind of New moniker. He uses his European tour band with Jay Rodriguez (sax), Reggie Washington (b) and Gene Lake (d). Philip Dizack replaces Theo Croker on trumpet. There are six studio tracks including “Kathy’s Groove” and “Wolfedelic” with drummer/programmers Jimmy Bralower and Steven Wolfe respectively. Additionally there are four pieces recorded live at Nublu in NYC notably “Ferrari” and “Street Vibe”. Jason calls it Black Magic!


Publicist: Jammim’ Colors