De Viala, Jaume

De Viala, 2023CD
Instrument: Guitar

Issue: 29.4

Jazz Ruler Type: Fusion
O's Jazz Ruler

Performance: 3
Performance Chart

Sound: 3
Sound Chart

Score: 74
Score Chart

O’s Notes: Guitarist Jaume de Viala used the pandemic as a time to revisit music he composed in the late 1970s, a blend of progressive rock and jazz fusion. He engages co-producer, guitarist Dusan Jevtovic, drummer Asaf Sirkis, Aleksander Petrov (perc), Vasil Hadzimanov (keys), Bernat Hernandez (b) along with a few guest artists for Calidoscopi Embruixat. The music has a Spanish bent and favors the contributions of the guitarists. Of note are “Cavalcada per la nocturnitat arabiga” and “Calvert 1979”.


Publicist: Correos