Bernstein, Chuck
CMB, 2008, CD
Instrument: Drums
Issue: 15.1
Jazz Ruler Type: Ballads, Blues
Performance: 3
Sound: 4
O’s Notes: Chuck plays the Berinbau, a Brazilian instrument that is similar in construction to an archery bow. It has been used to set the pace of Capoeira, a form of Brazilian martial arts. Drummer Berstein was fascinated with the sound from the instrument and began experimenting until he created an alternate way of tuning and playing it that lends towards the blues. This album is chock full of Mississippi blues with a unique sound that takes some getting used to but is enjoyable. Chuck teams up with guitarist Ian Faquoni and Tobert Kyle (sax) for “Contenda” one of our favorite tracks. He also plays solo and in other configurations. Other highlights are “All Your Desires”, “Plunger In The Funk” and “Bahia Trance Blues”.
Publicist: Jazz Promo Services