Finzer, Nick

Origin, 2023CD
Instrument: Trombone

Issue: 29.3

Jazz Ruler Type: Bebop
O's Jazz Ruler

Performance: 3
Performance Chart

Sound: 3
Sound Chart

Score: 66
Score Chart

O’s Notes: Trombonist, composer Nick Finzer leads a sextet over ten selections divided into Dreams, Visions & Illusions. The band includes Lucas Pino (t-sax, b-cl), Alex Wintz (g), Glenn Zaleski (p), Dave Boston (b), and Jimmy MacBride (d). The resulting music is mostly reflective. We liked the spirited “Follow Your Heart”, “Now, Then, and When”, and bubbly “I Thought I Should Take The Road Less Traveled” (or as written on the jewel case, I thought I took the road…). Otherwise, it’s as nebulous as the title suggests.


Publicist: Lydia Liebman Promotions