Afiune, Caio

Caio Afiune, 2022CD
Instrument: Guitar

Issue: 28.1

Jazz Ruler Type: Fusion
O's Jazz Ruler

Performance: 4
Performance Chart

Sound: 3
Sound Chart

Score: 73
Score Chart

O’s Notes: Brazilian guitarist Caio Afiune has performed internationally as a side man with top acts, with the jazz collective Imagine 5 and as a leader.  Every Choice Is An Act of Courage is his latest release and it is a refreshing set of originals combing Brazilian and American jazz. Caio shares melodies with alto saxophonist Nathan Reising in tandem and alone. They put a fresh twist on “Caravana” and vocalist Jessica Curran expands the palate on “Precious” and “Returning”.


Publicist: Two for the Show Media