Chen, Annie

Shanghai Audio&Video, 2024CD
Instrument: Female Vocals

Issue: 30.1

Jazz Ruler Type: Fusion
O's Jazz Ruler

Performance: 3
Performance Chart

Sound: 4
Sound Chart

Score: 75
Score Chart

O’s Notes: Chinese vocal impressionist, composer Annie Chen is not bashful. She’s pushing the envelope on Guardians, her latest release. She sings, scats, grunts, and speaks poetic muse in concert with her six-piece band that includes Alex LoRe (a-sax, fl, b-cl), Fung Chern Hwei (violin, viola), Matthew Muntz (b), and Vitor Gonçalves (accordion, p). We encourage your patience with the session as these songs evolve to meaningful, enjoyable music as on “Rozpacz”. She creates her own genre, contemporary, free ballads centered on the interactions between man, animals, and the environment on the 4-part “Guardians Suite”.


Publicist: Lisa Reedy Promotions