Alternative Guitar Summit
High Note, 2022, CD
Instrument: Guitar
Issue: 28.2
Jazz Ruler Type: Fusion
Performance: 4
Sound: 3
Score: 80
O’s Notes: The Alternative Guitar Summit is an all-star collection of fine guitarists, far too many to mention all, and apparently too much music for one release! They are Honoring Pat Martino, Volume 1. Pat needs no introduction as the late guitarist was prominent on the jazz-fusion scene for over 50 years! “Willow” features Sheryl Bailey and Ed Cherry. There’s a beautiful solo take of “Lament” by Russell Malone, the grooving “On The Stairs” featuring Dave Stryker and Paul Bollenback, and the cool “Inside Out” with Adam Rogers and Peter Bernstein. Those a few of the many gems on this first take!
Publicist: Jazz Depot