Nachoff, Quinsin

Songlines, 2006SACD
Instrument: Saxophone

Issue: 12.3

Jazz Ruler Type: funk
O's Jazz Ruler

Performance: 3
Performance Chart

Sound: 5
Sound Chart

Score Chart

O’s Notes: Canadian saxophonist, Nachoff is pushing the envelope with a fuzzy boundary between jazz and classical music with Magic Numbers. He uses a string quartet along with Mark Helias (b) and Jim Black (d) to make a septet that is up to the task. Some of the pieces have a high-energy quotient like “Branches” and “There and Back” which have funky bass and drums beats. There are also some rich ballads like “October”. But the bulk leans more towards classical, but certainly still palatable for jazz listeners. And oh, the sound is exceptional SACD.


Publicist: Allegro