Fingier, Kevin

Fingier, 2023Album
Instrument: Instrumental

Issue: 29.4

Jazz Ruler Type: R&B+Jazz
O's Jazz Ruler

Performance: 3
Performance Chart

Sound: 4
Sound Chart

Score: 75
Score Chart

O’s Notes: Kevin Fingier is an Argentine producer, composer, and multi-instrumentalist. He runs his namesake record company that specializes in contemporary urban, pop. Not Strictly Soul is the result of a 3-year journey combining Latin, soul, and contemporary jazz. The band includes guest appearances by vocalists Diane Ward, Jo Ann Hamilton and Josi Dias who appear on five of the eleven selections. Derrick Harriott sings on the “Intro/Forward” and Abdoulaye Badiane provide vocals on “Dunia Doman Doman”. We reviewed the heavy weight vinyl album and noted its warm tone.


Publicist: Integral Music