Blaser, Samuel

Clean Feed, 2009CD
Instrument: Trombone

Issue: 16.1

Jazz Ruler Type: Fusion
O's Jazz Ruler

Performance: 3
Performance Chart

Sound: 4
Sound Chart

Score Chart

O’s Notes: Trombonist Samuel Blaser is the leader of this quartet. Todd Neufeld (g), Thomas Morgan (b) and Tyshawn Sorey (d) join him for this eclectic mix of seven free fusion tunes. They are all originals compositions that leave nothing behind. Blaser takes elements of bebop, avant-garde and fuses them with his own groove. The results are daring, dynamic and very creative. If you get on his page and hang on for the ride, it is an interesting jaunt!

Samuel Blaser Quartet - Pieces of Old SkyBUY NOW

Publicist: Braithwaite & Katz