Neumann, Scott & Tom Christensen
Sound Fooling Records, 2016, CD
Instrument: Instrumental
Issue: 22.3
Jazz Ruler Type: Fusion
Performance: 3
Sound: 3
O’s Notes: Spin Cycle is the self-titled debut for a quartet led by drummer Scott Neumann and saxophonist Tom Christiansen. Tom and Scott composed six and four songs respectively. It’s a new jazz-fusion quartet with polished musicians including guitarist Pete McCann and bassist Phil Palombi. There’s a good mix of music with more traditional takes like the title track and “The Groove” capturing our fancy. Heavy rock-fusion with fuzzy guitars and cracked reed sax take “Smart Aleck” in another direction before “Trust” and “Crystalline”, both relaxed ballads get us realigned. They wrap up the set on an upbeat positive note with “Hamsters, Hamsters” leaving is in a good place.
Publicist: Terri Hinte