Mazolewski, Wojtek

Whirlwind, 2023CD
Instrument: Guitar

Issue: 29.4

Jazz Ruler Type: Fusion
O's Jazz Ruler

Performance: 4
Performance Chart

Sound: 3
Sound Chart

Score: 77
Score Chart

O’s Notes: Polish jazz bassist, composer Wojtek Mazolewski is re-igniting the jazz scene in his country and his music is catching attention globally on Spirit To All, his latest release. Tenor saxophonist Marek Pospieszalski shines notably on “Ghost Town”. There’s excellent trumpet work by Oskar Török on “The Power of the People”. We also enjoyed the sounds of nature on “Slavic Spirits” and “The Year of Magical Thinking”. They wrap up the set with a warm ballad, “My Heart”, like the engaging, opening title track.


Publicist: Whirlwind