Gutman, Yosef

Yosef Gutman, 2022CD
Instrument: Guitar

Issue: 28.3

Jazz Ruler Type: Ballads, Blues
O's Jazz Ruler

Performance: 4
Performance Chart

Sound: 3
Sound Chart

Score: 76
Score Chart

O’s Notes: Israeli-based, South African bassist Yosef Gutman is an inspirational musician. On Upside Down Mountain he leads a trio with Omri Mor (p) and Ofri Nehemya (d). Gutman composed the music reflecting on strong romantic bonds. There’s wonderful, introspective piano and melodic bass on “Early Morning Before My Journey”, a fine example of the peaceful magic in this set. Side note: yes, Yosef is the former pro skateboarder!


Publicist: Fully Altered Media