Redman, Joshua
WARNER, 2023, Album
Instrument: SAXOPHONE
Issue: 29.4
Jazz Ruler Type: Classic
Performance: 4
Sound: 4
Score: 84
O’s Notes: Tenor saxophonist Joshua Redman ponders our plight as we navigate through increasingly difficult passages in life on Where We Are. We reviewed the 2-disc, vinyl edition with 13 selections spread across four sides. Aaron Parks (p), Joe Sanders (g) and Brian Blade (d) are the core musicians behind featured vocalist Gabrielle Cavassa. Special guests Kurt Rosenwinkle (g), Joel Ross (vibes), Nicholas Payton (t), and Peter Bernstein (g) each add additional flavors on one selection apiece. Redman’s tone is warm and supports the blues theme. The massages are rich, and Cavassa’s delivery draws listeners into the music, a well-balanced session, Redman’s first featuring a vocalist.
Publicist: Blue Note