Lanighan, Brendan

Talley Records, 2023CD
Instrument: Trombone

Issue: 29.2

Jazz Ruler Type: Bebop
O's Jazz Ruler

Performance: 3
Performance Chart

Sound: 3
Sound Chart

Score: 72
Score Chart

O’s Notes: Brendan plays tenor and bass trombones, leading an octet on A Little Optimism. He composed the ten selections during the pandemic, and it is one of the positive outcomes. The music is brassy with Mark Filsinger (t), Elliot Scozzaro (a-sax), CJ Ziarniak (t-sax), and Colin Gordon (b-sax, s-sax) weighing in alongside of Lanigan. Guest artist Willa Finck adds violin on “Finck Tank” rounding out a good set.


Publicist: Lisa Reedy Promotions