Lossing, Russ

Aqua Piazza, 2023CD
Instrument: Piano

Issue: 29.2

Jazz Ruler Type: Avant Garde
O's Jazz Ruler

Performance: 4
Performance Chart

Sound: 3
Sound Chart

Score: 76
Score Chart

O’s Notes: Free jazz pianist Russ Lossing forms a quartet with Adam Kolker (sax), Matt Pavolka (b), and Dayeon Seok (d). While the music is spontaneous, we found it to be quite approachable. The musicians feed off each other’s vibes in a complementary, yet provocative way, as on “Cloned”. There are introspective, mysterious selections like “Next 3 Km” where the musicians play more sequentially. We also enjoyed the syncopation on “Move It Over”, and the march of “Double Park”.


Publicist: Fully Altered Media