
Pentatone, 2023CD
Instrument: Instrumental

Issue: 29.2

Jazz Ruler Type: Classic
O's Jazz Ruler

Performance: 4
Performance Chart

Sound: 4
Sound Chart

Score: 81
Score Chart

O’s Notes: This is classic, jazz performed by Calefax, a Dutch reed quintet featuring five musicians: Oliver Boekhoorn (oboe), Bart de Kater (cl), Raaf Hekkema (sax), Jelte Althuis (b-cl) and Alban Wesly (bassoon). They give us a delightful performance with arrangements of American classics. Highlights include the “Rhapsody In Blue”, and “Excursions” suites, “Satin Doll”, and “Overjoyed”. An American Rhapsody is a musical road trip with an excellent map (liner notes) across the United States that will resonate with many, reflecting our rich diversity in music cultures.



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