Shearer, Jim

Summit, 2024CD
Instrument: Trumpet

Issue: 30.2

Jazz Ruler Type: Bebop
O's Jazz Ruler

Performance: 3
Performance Chart

Sound: 3
Sound Chart

Score: 73
Score Chart

O’s Notes: Professor James E. Shearer teaches at New Mexico State University and plays tuba. Cloud Bowling is 2-disc set. The first is a rearrangement of Claude Bolling’s Suite for Flute and Jazz Piano Trio with Shearer playing tuba in place of the flute imparting a more masculine sound to the seventh movements. The second disc is written expressed for Tuba. Chris Reyman (p), Erik Unsworth (b), and Andy Smith (d) are the supporting jazz trio. The blues of “Brubesque”, the smoothness of “Borrowed Time”, bubbly tunes like “Sentimentale”, and “Veloce” are all a part of this transformation, placing the tuba center stage.


Publicist: 4 on the Floor