Deninzon, Joe

Fiddlefunk Music, 2011CD
Instrument: Violin

Issue: 17.3

Jazz Ruler Type: Pop+Jazz
O's Jazz Ruler

Performance: 4
Performance Chart

Sound: 4
Sound Chart

Score Chart

O’s Notes: Violinist Joe Deninzon leads a trio with Bob Bowen on bass and guitarist Steve Benson. The music has a spirited bluegrass feel on the opener “Bodhisativa” that threads through the entire session. John LaBarbera adds nylon string guitar on “Ellipsis”. He returns for “Sun Goes Down” which also features guest artists Greg Burrows (d, perc) and vocalist Luba. Deninzon has good chops and blends his talents with his band. Joe transformed much of the music, really cooking on “Jitterbug”. We found ourselves truly enjoying the mild funky beats on this program!


Publicist: Leighton Media