Patton, Jeb
Instrument: Piano
Issue: 29.3
Jazz Ruler Type: Bebop
Performance: 4
Sound: 3
Score: 75
O’s Notes: Pianist Jeb Patton has provided support to many popular artists including the Heath Brothers and Etta Jones. He’s risen as a leader on several albums, and Preludes is his latest release, a collection of ballads centered on piano but also including his accompaniment, John Ellis (sax, fl, b-cl), Mike Rodriguez (t), David Wong (b) and Quincy Davis (d). Highlights are “Prelude In A Minor”, the racy “Prelude In G Minor” featuring Rodriguez, the bouncy “Prelude To A Kiss”, and the softer “Prelude In E Major” featuring Wong.
Publicist: Lisa Reedy Promotions