Bromley, Kristen R.
Kristen Bromley, 2019, CD
Instrument: Guitar
Issue: 25.4
Jazz Ruler Type: Ballads, Blues
Performance: 3
Sound: 2
Score: 68
O’s Notes: Guitarist Kristen R. Bromley leads a trio for Simply Miraculous, her debut release. Bassist Matt Larson and drummer Jay Lawrence join her in a truly miraculous effort. Kristen suffered severe injuries to her left arm in 2016 that led to nerve damage and a dismal diagnosis suggesting partial recovery of her left arm and hand at best. By the grace of God she has achieved an almost full recovery and certainly has a command of the guitar! The music here is a wide range of pop, blues and even country/spiritual with Bromley playing melodies on top of definitive beats from Larson and Lawrence. Highlights are ‘Winter Sunrise‘; the cool, syncopated ‘Rhythm I’ve Got… ‘Quarky’ As It May Be‘ with a fine bass solo, and the funky title track.
Publicist: Kari-On Productions