Blane, Steven

Steven Blane, 2023CD
Instrument: Male Vocals

Issue: 29.3

Jazz Ruler Type: Ballads, Blues
O's Jazz Ruler

Performance: 3
Performance Chart

Sound: 3
Sound Chart

Score: 73
Score Chart

O’s Notes: Crooner/guitarist Steven Blane sings a wide variety of tunes on Songs For New York Lovers, matching the diversity of The Big Apple. He is shadowed by saxophonist Michael Johnson with a rhythm section of Jack Glottman (p), Kevin Hailey (b), and Frank Levatino (d). We enjoyed “The Rabbi’s Tzitzit”, the cabaret, bounce of “I Hurt Myself Today”, a taste of Latin on “Juanita”, and ”Thanksgiving” featuring Glottman.


Publicist: Blujazz