Tamura, Natsuki
Suika, 2022, CD
Instrument: Trumpet
Issue: 28.2
Jazz Ruler Type: Avant Garde
Performance: 3
Sound: 3
Score: 72
O’s Notes: Japanese, free jazz trumpeter, composer, producer Natsuki Tamura never seems to run out of ideas. Summer Tree is a solo effort done in isolation during the pandemic. It is like the soundtrack for a horror flick with Tamura dubbing in whistling, howling effects of goons lurking in the darkness. We favored the title track where his trumpet stands out like a guiding voice to safety. We’ll loop this through our outdoor speakers next Halloween to dramatize the kids! Satoko Fujii adds screechy vocal effects on “Summer Wind” approximating the presence of an angry witch. These four lengthy compositions are specialized pieces for that occasion.
Publicist: Braithwaite & Katz