Altschul, Barry
TUM, 2015, CD
Instrument: Drums
Issue: 22.1
Jazz Ruler Type: Avant Garde
Performance: 4
Sound: 4
O’s Notes: 72-year-old drummer Barry Altschul’s 3dom Factor is a trio with Jon Irabagon (sax) and Joe Fonda (b). These musicians have countless performances together and a great deal of trust and respect between them. Those are necessary for success when embarking on and unrehearsed, improvisational experience like this release. There were no planning, no charts and no specific concepts, just intuition and embracing the power of the moment. That was the original concept however once engaged they decided to kindle the fire with a few tunes from their repertoire. Collectively these are Tales of the Unforeseen; a creative set that will take listeners in many unannounced directions.
Publicist: Braithwaite & Katz