Shaw, Woody & Louis Hayes

High Note, 2016CD
Instrument: Trumpet

Issue: 22.3

Jazz Ruler Type: Bebop
O's Jazz Ruler

Performance: 3
Performance Chart

Sound: 2
Sound Chart

Score Chart

O’s Notes: The Tour is a live set from 1976 capturing Woody Shaw (t) in his prime. He assembled a fine band with Ronnie Matthews (p), Stafford James (b) and seasoned vets, Louis Hayes (d) and Junior Cook (sax). Shaw was an ambitious leader determined to keep jazz relevant and this performance underscores the point with six, lengthy, vibrant selections that engaged the audience. They really start to swing on track two, “Obsequious”, a composition packed with raging emotions. Other highlights are “Book’s Bossa” and “Invitation”, both providing a grooving backdrop.


Publicist: Jazz Depot