Grassmann, Clemens
Grassmann Music, 2022, CD
Instrument: Drums
Issue: 28.3
Jazz Ruler Type: Bebop
Performance: 4
Sound: 3
Score: 78
O’s Notes: Drummer, composer Clemens Grassmann leads a young team of musicians sparking a rebirth of jazz during the pandemic in New York City. Aaron Bahr (t), Dave Malabo (a-sax), Sam Dillon (t-sax) and Chris Bittner (t-sax) are in front of a strong rhythm section including Chris McCarty (p), Cole Davis (b) and Grassmann. We liked the saxophone duels on “Re. Op.” and ”Chicken On A Train”. Other highlights are “Petrichor”, and “Rat Jacuzzi” showcasing Davis on the intro.
Publicist: Lydia Liebman Promotions