Gold, Jon

Azurea, 2024CD
Instrument: Piano

Issue: 30.3

Jazz Ruler Type: Pop+Jazz
O's Jazz Ruler

Performance: 4
Performance Chart

Sound: 3
Sound Chart

Score: 74
Score Chart

O’s Notes: Pianist, composer Jon Gold, presents Guanabara Eyes, his latest album. The music spans a wide range including solo piano on “For Luiz” to large ensembles with strings as on “An Old Story”. Some of the talented musicians are Mauicio Zottarelli (d), Zach Brock (violin), Itaiguara Brandão (b), Rodrigo Ursaia (sax, fl), Marina Marchi (vocals), and Vladimir Gapontsev (g). “Theme For MZ”, “Alem Do Azul”, “Sumidouro”, and the title track are a some of the best in a set of thirteen songs.


Publicist: Two for the Show Media