Daversa, John

BFM Jazz, 2018CD
Instrument: Trumpet

Issue: 24.4

Jazz Ruler Type: BigBand
O's Jazz Ruler

Performance: 4
Performance Chart

Sound: 4
Sound Chart

Score Chart

O’s Notes: John Daversa plays trumpet, composes and leads a large ensemble. He is the descendent of Italian immigrants and he has not forgot his lineage.“American Dreamers“is a wonderful collection with“voices of hope“from children who immigrated to the US from around the world. They coalesce around jazz as a vehicle to express themselves. They are free-spirited dreamers inspiring all of us to focus on unity and respect each other’s individuality. Their stories are inspirational messages that are threaded into a wonderful fabric of jazz. This is a powerful and timely message that should be heard by all.


Publicist: Mouthpiece Music