Slonaker, Dave

Origin, 2022CD
Instrument: Instrumental

Issue: 28.3

Jazz Ruler Type: BigBand
O's Jazz Ruler

Performance: 4
Performance Chart

Sound: 3
Sound Chart

Score: 78
Score Chart

O’s Notes: Dave Slonaker is a producer, composer, arranger and conductor of his big band on Convergency. The sound is open, transparent and refreshing with lots of brass layering in between. There’s a sense of adventure on “Vanishing Point” followed by the swinging “And Now The News”. Excellent throttle control allows this large ensemble to sound small, and manageable, and most of all, appreciable. This approach allows the soloists to tell their stories in a noncompetitive environment. There are notable contributions from trumpeter Wayne Bergeron and trombonist Ido Meshulam.


Publicist: Mouthpiece Music