Fristoe, Art
Merry Lane, 2017, CD
Instrument: Piano
Issue: 23.3
Jazz Ruler Type: Bebop
Performance: 3
Sound: 3
Score: 53
O’s Notes: Pianist Art Fristoe launches a double album set in a trio format including bassist Tim Ruiz with drum duty split between Daleton Lee and Richard Cholakian. The first disc has seven fresh jazzy covers of classic tunes like “Alone Together”, “Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds” and “Caravan” along with Art’s original, “ECM”. Disc 2 has five originals in the nine selections. Ruiz makes his presence known with warm bass solos especially on “Seventh-Floor Walkup” and “Tres Palabras”. There are several gems among the 17 songs.
Publicist: Jazz Promo Services