Jordan, Clifford
Harvest Song, 2023, CD
Instrument: Saxophone
Issue: 29.3
Jazz Ruler Type: Bebop
Performance: 4
Sound: 4
Score: 85
O’s Notes: Drink Plenty Water was recorded in 1974, with tenor saxophonist Clifford Jordan and a wealth of great musicians. It was dusted off by Sandy Jordan and released for our enjoyment in 2022. The brass is Dick Griffin (tb), Bill Hardman (t) and Carlie Rouse (b-cl), with Jordan. The rhythm section is Sam Jones (b), Bill Lee (b), Bernard Fennell (cello), Stanley Cowell (p) and Billy Higgins (d). David Smyrna and Donna Jordan Harris are the primary vocalists. The music is earthy blues and jazzy soul, seven selections in just over 36 minutes. “Talking Blues” is a straightforward recollection of a rough life, along with the title track, followed by the sultry instrumental version to wrap the set.
Publicist: Jazz Promo Services