Anschell, Bill

Origin, 2024CD
Instrument: Piano

Issue: 30.1

Jazz Ruler Type: Fusion
O's Jazz Ruler

Performance: 4
Performance Chart

Sound: 3
Sound Chart

Score: 74
Score Chart

O’s Notes: Pianist, composer Bill Anschell lights it up on Improbable Solutions, with Chris Symer (b), Brian Monroney (g), and Jose Martinez (d). We liked the cool, syncopated sounds of “Nimbus”, “Abandoned”, the mysterious vibe on “Naked Truth”, all featuring percussionist Jeff Busch. We also enjoyed the relaxed “Hidden Nobility”. They conclude with the rock-infused “Outburst”. This set was originated during the pandemic and modified a couple of times to arrive at this finished product.


Publicist: Red Cat Publicity