Oleszkiewicz, Darek
Cryptogramophone, 2004, CD
Instrument: Guitar
Issue: 10.3
Jazz Ruler Type: Ballads, Blues
Performance: 4
Sound: 3
O’s Notes: This is a collection of rich and warm duets featuring bassist, Darek ‘Oles’ and Brad Mehldau (p). The union is very complementary with two engaging in each song like a rich conversation, listening to each other with supportive statements. The results are very good as the musicians play deliberately with a relaxed pace that allows the tones to resonate and the listener to enjoy the music. There are two tracks with the Los Angeles Jazz Quartet: Chuck Manning (sax), Larry Koonse (g), Mark Ferber (d) and Bennie Maupin (p) and also two songs in a trio format with Nate Wood (d) and Adam Benjamin (sax). Both larger groupings are consistent with the duets in style and delivery.