Trovesi, Gianluigi

ECM, 2023CD
Instrument: Saxophone

Issue: 29.2

Jazz Ruler Type: Pop+Jazz
O's Jazz Ruler

Performance: 4
Performance Chart

Sound: 3
Sound Chart

Score: 77
Score Chart

O’s Notes: This is a classical performance, not jazz, but occasionally we make a trip to the symphony and find it quite enjoyable. Gianluigi Traversi plays clarinets and alto sax, with concertmaster Stephano Montinari leading the orchestra. Stravaganze Consonanti means constant extravagances. The music is comprised of ancient and modern themes, profound yet approachable. It is in an hour-long performance including fifteen selections. The dynamics are excellent, encouraging you to sit back and enjoy the show. We completed the session feeling relaxed and replenished.


Publicist: D. L. Media