Conigliaro, Brian
Hurry Up & Wait, 2010, CD
Instrument: Guitar
Issue: 16.4
Jazz Ruler Type: R&B+Jazz
Performance: 3
Sound: 2
O’s Notes: Brian plays guitar, harmonica and sings the blues. He ha a gruff voice that is immediately recognizable. His band is Chris Parker (d), Kevin Callaghan (b) and John Arucciy (d on 4 tracks). The CD was recorded live in two sessions at Finch Tavern and JK Restaurant both in southern New York. “The Economics of Love” had a cool honky-tonk beat and interesting lyric with Brian playing a funky harmonica towards the end. There is a bit of bossa nova on “Agua de Beber”. Also of note are “Along The Watchtower”, “Josie” and “Oleo” with excellent interaction between Brian and Chris. Conigliaro is best on the instrumentals and with the mouth harp as he puts his all into these thirteen selections.
Publicist: Improvisational Promotions