Vives Alive
Swing Ding, 2020, CD
Instrument: Vibes
Issue: 26.3
Jazz Ruler Type: Pop+Jazz
Performance: 4
Sound: 3
Score: 78
O’s Notes: Vibes Alive is the collaboration of vibraphonist Dick Richter and guitarist Randall Crissman. Richter gets down to business on “Sweet Vibes” and Crissman opens up on ”Earthtones”. They infuse the tried and true talents of keyboardist Jeff Lorber, bassist Jimmy Johnson, Luis Conte (perc) and drummer Vince Colaiuta! Anyone familiar with the contemporary jazz scene will recognize these names and with good reason. They live up to expectations on Vibrasonic, with a good blend of tempo, pace and just the right amount of funk. It’s all instrumental and has the right stuff!
Publicist: Great Scott